On this particular day we started on the southern steps of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is a location deep and rich in history. Many key people in the bible stood on these step......from King David to Jesus himself (where He proclaimed..."I am the light of the world"). We started our day there with a message and a time of worship. I have to say it was odd to be sitting on the same steps that Jesus stood. Again....like many other times during our trip.....quite surreal and humbling.
We then we to the western wall or the "wailing wall" as it is known. Jews come here as part of their faith in the re-building of the Temple. Since I am not an expert on the subject.....below are some write ups / facts I found on line.
"In Judaism, the Western Wall is venerated as the sole remnant of the Holy Temple. It has become a place of pilgrimage for Jews, as it is the closest permitted accessible site to the holiest spot in Judaism, namely the Even ha-shetiya or Foundation Stone, which lies on the Temple Mount."
"Jewish tradition teaches that the Western Wall was built by King David and that the wall we see today is built upon his foundations, which date from the time of the First Temple."
"The sages state that anyone who prays in the Temple in Jerusalem, “it is as if he has prayed before the throne of glory because the gate of heaven is situated there and it is open to hear prayer”. Jewish Law dictates that when Jews pray the Silent Prayer, they should face mizrach, towards Jerusalem, the Temple and ultimately the Holy of Holies, as all of God’s bounty and blessing emanates from that spot."
Wikepedia, 2009
Our time here was very interesting. Couple of rules.....you have to wear head covering. So if you did not have a hat, they had paper yamikas (sp?) for sale.
Also, woman are forbidden to pray in the same area as the men. There is a fence that seperates the two areas.
Hope you enjoy the pics.
More to come.......cool story of Masada and our time swimming in the Dead Sea.
Lots of great pics from here.