Joel preaching... Worship on Mt. Carmel Remains of Caesarea
Our first day of Adventuring through the Land of Jesus took us to Caesarea where King Herod (yes, the king who had all the children in Bethlehem under 2 years old murdered) built the most Roman city in Israel at that time. He was both brilliant and notorious. He was an incredible builder and created a masterpiece on the Mediterranean Sea. This amazing city featured a huge man made harbor, Colliseum, Hippodrome (fancy name for race track - just think of Ben Hur and Gladiator), pools, Shrines, etc.. .. .. He was completely Loyal to Rome and they made him the "King of Judea." As he aged he became Increasingly Paranoid and eventually had his sons killed, his wife killed and nearly every other member of his family to protect his kingdom. Succesfully He Fought against a Persian invasion and that is why he was Freaked out when 3 wise men from the east (Persia) showed up one day and said, "Hey King Herod, where is the new born king of the Jews?" That is what motivated him to go and kill the children in Bethlehem. As Paul Harvey says, that's the rest of the story! Joel Rosenburg then taught on "The Epicenter" and how Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount make up the epicenter of the world. He shared with us The People, The Land and why there is so much controversy and world focus on this tiny part of the world. It was a great start to the day.
We then went to a very obscure location you probably havent heard of called ARMEGEDDON! Yes, it is a real place. It is the location where the three primary trade routes of the world emerged and connected - Europe, Asia and Africa. That is why over 27 battles throughout history were Fought there and maybe why the prophesied battle of Armegeddon makes sense. We Toured the remains of the fortress aging back to 5000 years where a Canannite alter was uncovered. It was at this location where the Canannite's Sacrificed, among other things, baby goats in its mothers milk. Thus, the Levitical law for the Israelites not doing this Pagan practice now makes sense. It kind of makes the ruins from the time of Solomon (only 3000 years old) a real Yawner. How old is America anyway? Joel taught again about the future battle of Armegeddon, the historical context of the valley and the prophetic implications associated with Revelation and the rise of the Antichrist. Just a basic Sunday school lesson for children on flannel cut outs with Jesus petting a lamb (yeah right!)
We ended the day with an amazing testimony of our Lord's presence and power. The prophet Elijah went up against the Prophets of Baal on Mt. Caramel to make the children of Israel choose which God they were going to serve. The people had been drawn away to serve the false god, Baal, who required them to sacrifice their children on a Firey alter. The Showdown happened in epic fashion with the Prophets of Baal being Humiliated before the people when the Lord consumed Elijah's sacrifice with fire from Heaven. Immediately after, Elijah Slaughtered all of the false Prophets of Baal and the people turned back to the living God of Israel. So, how does that relate to today? After nearly 2,000 years of Excile, we had an amazing experience Worshiping Jesus on the top of Mt. Caramel with a Congregation of Jews, Arabs, American Christians Fleeing Persecution and refugees in Africa. We all sang songs of our Savior and it was one of the most amazing moments of worship for us. The amazing thing about this church is the fact that it has been established by a former Broadway actor / drugged out Jewish dude from New York along with his Jewish wife. God saved him in the "Godless" sub-culture of New York's artistic community. If his salvation testimony was not enough the testimony of what God has done through his life of surrender is amazing. Think about it ... God calls a drug using, Unbelieving Jew from New York to go back to the Holy Land and establish a Congregation of Jesus Believing, Worshiping Jesus, Arab loving people on top of Mount Caramel! We truly can not put any limits on what He "can do".
Quite a first day. Let the adventure continue.
Coming soon to a blog near you .... why everyone is excited about a really old boat that wont float, getting an attitude on the "Be" Attitudes, pre-game festivities on the Sea of Galilee and dead fish that is still looking at me?
Leaving Armegeddon,
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